A Happy Hacking Break

I have a million posts to write and a lot of changes to catch up in my recording. However, I wanted to take a minute to share this video of one of my recent morning conditioning hacks with Bast and the dogs.
Mornings are so beautiful, I couldn't give them up.

Even having transitioned to 100% work from home with the COVID-19 pandemic, I have found my morning schedule to be the best way to fit riding in with a very busy full time job. Plus, the extra daylight of summertime lets us get out on the trails a lot more than in winter. All our time hacking is paying off. Bast is continuing to increase in his confidence and enjoyment of the trails. I think he's finally starting to see them as the fun break from the dressage ring (watch his ears in the video below and you'll see how much he enjoys his romps around the fields).

We even stand in water now! (Though we still jump all small creeks as if alligators live in them)

I'm hoping to make a few more of these videos if you guys enjoy them. I upgraded my helmet cam to one with a slightly wider field of view, meaning I'll be able to capture a lot more the scenery (and still be able to see those adorable perked pony ears!). The new camera doesn't require the waterproof case to protect it either, meaning I'll no longer be struggling with a lens that fogs up 20 minutes into my humid morning gallop. Huge improvements overall, and I'm really excited to play with my new toy.

Still, the old camera captured some lovely moments with my boy and two fluffy husky girls. I edited down the 40 minutes and 5 miles into a 5 minute highlight video. Hope y'all enjoy riding along with us on some of my favorite trails and galloping lanes!


  1. Looks like a lovely way to start the day for all of you <3

  2. Replies
    1. At least part of that 🤣 There's about 2 ½ miles in that video where we went the other way.

  3. Nice. Can I ask a question? How do you deal with any potential bolts? this is what has stopped me from hacking out Carmen on my own.

    1. So that's a great question. First, I definitely expect some scooting. I rarely have my guard all the way down on the trail with this guy. That said, I much prefer a bolt in the open to inside a ring. I try to think about where I can steer the bolt safely, should it happen. The biggest thing? After lots of hacking adventures, he very rarely reacts that way anymore. Nothing builds trust as much as going on adventures and surviving.

  4. My horse also loves hacking out and I need to find more ways to take him new places!

  5. Ahh, I loved this! 💜 How awesome. I bet your dogs love it too -- it makes me so happy so see pet Huskies who get to take advantage of the endurance they're bred for.


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